
Oct 15, 2024 - My new favourite: > ls -Allah

Sep 23, 2024 - What if engineering strategy, performance reviews, and code quality metrics were connected?

  • The engineering strategy spells out what engineering goals are.

  • Performance review questions address those aspects directly.

  • Continuous Integration measures and tracks the project metrics towards the goals.

  • Self-review is just a biannual export from the CI.

Beautiful utopia.

Sep 21, 2024 - Crazy man market analysis.

  1. 09/13 - random dude on the internet says new iPhones don’t sell well (before they were shipped); AAPL dives 3.5%. 09/18 - feds lower the rate by 50 points; AAPL rises 5.5%. Great job, market.


  2. 09/13 - everyone suddenly realise LLMs are expensive; NVDA goes down 4.5%. 09/18 - feds lower the rate by 50 points; NVDA goes back up to the prior level. Keep it up, market.


  3. Macy’s doesn’t care.


Sep 21, 2024 - This is good: The Collapse of Self-Worth in the Digital Age. The part that resonated with me most:

when a person’s innate value is replaced with exchange value, it is as if we’ve been reduced to “a mere jelly.”

I remember the times where I put maximum effort and long hours over more than a year to achieve the next invidividual contributer level. Eventually, with the project success, I got it. My level became IC5, as opposed to the measly IC4. Then I got some form of a depression. Because my whole self-worth was reduced to number 5 by the authority, that I put most of my waking hours in.

Sep 04, 2024 - Added Sociocracy 3.0 and Zerocracy

Sep 02, 2024 - Someone told once a theory that the most comfortable bed wouldn’t the softest one. It would be a bed that perfectly follows your body shape and provides equal support everywhere. That makes sense to me. You can go to a beach, lie in sand a wiggle a bit, until you shape up the sand around your body. But there’re always many distractions, like sun, wind, noise, and insects, eww. Or maybe the sensory deprivation tank, where you float in dense salty water in complete silence and darkness. I’m not sure how would it work with turning around, or involuntary movements during the sleep. Mark Rober made a Liquid Sand Hot Tub video where he explains the sensation of being submerged under sand, as a weighted blanket. The sand is pretty irritating for a sleep, though. Hygiene of using sand pit as long-term bed is also questionable.

Aug 30, 2024 - Added 100 questions for Washington state in Aug 2024 (with dropdowns), 100 questions for Washington state in Aug 2024

Aug 30, 2024 - Crazy man market analysis (close).

  1. I jinxed it for eBay, it dipped right after I called it stable. EBAY

  2. NVDA didn’t dip a little bit, it dipped significantly. NVDA

Aug 30, 2024 - Crazy man market analysis (open).

  1. What’s going on with MSFT? Nothing they’re OpenAI’s bitch now.

  2. NVDA dipped down, taking FSELX with it. The news show that they’re going to come back strong soon.

  3. PDD is bonkers, random off-market jumper.

  4. Macy’s stable, time to start stocking up (from MSFT, for example) for November.

Aug 26, 2024 - Added Macy’s stock seasonality, Tree Clip

Aug 26, 2024 - Crazy man market analysis.

  1. eBay gains popularity, as more people are willing to buy second-hand eletronics (read phones). When most of the tech stock went down in July, eBay kept growing. EBAY

  2. Nvidia dipped a little bit on the overall growth trend. NVDA

  3. What the hell is this PDD company? It tanked a lot. It’s last year has been very volatile. PDD

  4. Just look at this MRM shit. Closed at $2.48, opened at $7.01. Daytrading my ass.

  5. Macy’s got a bad look from big guys and going down. Not all the way to the bottom just yet, let’s take a look in 5 days.

Aug 24, 2024 - I like the idea how software systems are complex and complicated. Complex stands for inherent problem the software solves. Complications come from solving the problem in a wrong way. It could be using bad abstraction, over-engineering, inadequate team structure resulting in mixed component responsibilities. Software is meant to solve the complexity of the real world problem, but it always introduces unnecessary complications for maintainers. Complexity can’t reduced, as it is inherent to the problem at hand, while complications constitute technical debt, that can and should be addressed but rarely is. The same thinking can be applied to life in general. The inherent conflict of life is that it’s finite and energy consuming. Besides that, most of the struggles we go through are artificial complications. The worst examples of such struggles come up when complications take over complexity. People get caught in the minutiae of everyday life, chasing synthetic goals, imposed by other people who have no interest in their wellbeing. Governments create laws and procedures that are designed to prevent crime, but make everyones lifes harder. Rich people find ways to suck money from poor. Personal decisions must go through an approval of some external entity. Social contracts prevent expression of internal desires.

Aug 23, 2024 - A rare syndrome of unprepared food censorship


Aug 18, 2024 - this tea bag summarizes my thoughts of food in the US. The brown dust resembles tea only in color. But that’s what Americans like. No sophistication, big quantities, low price.


Aug 09, 2024 - Added Cooling Water with Ice

Aug 07, 2024 - I was watching Expanse and was fascinated by their handheld devices (phones?). I liked the way they wirelessly cast screen using two-fingers swipe up in the direction of the cast target. I also liked how they share message attachments. The operating systems they are running seem to provide consistent experience across devices, so I assume there’s a tight integration. What I liked most is that attachments contained two kinds formats. One was a presentation layer, similar to a static HTML page. Another was data (like JSON, or CSV) that can be direcly imported to a database or Jupyter Notebook. Like one time a person sent a bunch of people profiles, and the other side reviewed them and imported to their contacts. Another time it was asteroid coordinates, that were presented as an interactive 3D model, but also could be imported into the navigational system.

I wonder if we can build this today. Each attachment would be an archive with HTML file that pulls raw data from a JSON file sitting by its side. But also having a “Download” button that exposes the data file directly. Or maybe a single HTML file with all the small data and assets embedded, and large assets pulled from S3.

Aug 01, 2024 - I find this to be an interesting phenomena in driving. When there are two lanes and there’s a merge ahead from the right lane. In the perfect world the merge is fair, the cars from the left and right lane alternate and both lanes go at the same speed.But what happens instead is some cars from the right lane merge early breaking the alternation order. Then the car from behind in the right lane goes ahead and merges before the early merger. And this breaks the pattern so that some cars from the right lane get into the left lane without a car between them. The result is that the right lane goes faster.

Jul 05, 2024 - Added It’s not cold in Russia

Jul 02, 2024 - I have this idea about people who live routine lifes and don’t want to change anything about it. I picture a man who lies in a mud puddle. Like these therapeutic mud bath spas. While he’s moving the limbs, the mud stays liquid. When he stops moving, the surface of mud dries out and becomes hard and sharp crust. The crust traps the man an making any movement is now takes significant effort and hurts. Without movement it’s comfortable, though.

Jun 26, 2024 - When you look at life back, you can tell the defining traits of your personality and the key decisions you made a long time back. Sometimes they do feel like a big deal, and you know it’s important right away. Sometimes it’s just minutae that doesn’t seem of any significance in short term. And sometimes we obsess a lot about something that we can’t even remember five years down the road. But never have I made a critical decision thinking how would I feel about it when I’m fifty. Something about how the dots get connected once you look back.

Jun 17, 2024 - I have this idea of a fat cat.

fat cat

Fat cat lives a lavish life, with all needs and desires satisfied. The cat is incapable of surviving on his own, though.

In order to maintain agility he has to sacrifise the comfort, and intentionally lower the quality of life. If he settles for too long, the fat will bloat the body and kill the cat with a heart attack.

Jun 14, 2024 - What do you call a fish with a monocle?



Jun 13, 2024 - Any day when I can use modulo division is a good day. Is there more to this than that? I don’t think so.

Jun 01, 2024 - Added Next bus

May 30, 2024 - Added What is I

May 15, 2024 - Good summary for things you can do for QA/Testing:

May 07, 2024 - We chose to integrate a Large Language Model not because it is easy, but because we thought it is easy.

May 06, 2024 - Nice - Lucus Landers

May 03, 2024 - This is great Woodworking as an escape from the absurdity of software by Alin Panaitiu. Like and subscribe.

Apr 26, 2024 - Added Expect the unexpected when excepting Pickling Exceptions

Apr 25, 2024 - Added Seattle Bakeries List

Apr 19, 2024 - When I look at a bad design, I can tell it’s bad. I can point a few issues. But I can’t tell how to make it good. That’s why I’m not a designer.

Apr 18, 2024 - Aspects to consider for scraping:

  1. Parallelism

  2. Batching

  3. Retrying

  4. Throttling

  5. Acceptable error rate

  6. Metrics

  7. Reporting

  8. Cancel and Resume

Apr 12, 2024 - Greatness comes from character. Character forms out of people who suffered. – Jensen Huang

Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. – Yoda

Apr 12, 2024 - Software attempts to automate a real word process through creation of a limited model of the important aspects. The depth of the real world is infinite, and our understanding of it is shallow. But the computer model’s depth is laughable.

Mar 27, 2024 - a burst of birth force to warm a worm worm.

Mar 18, 2024 - You won’t learn how to declutter until you get too much shit you don’t need.

Mar 16, 2024 - Added Meaning of Life

Mar 15, 2024 - The Grug Brained Developer - A layman’s guide to thinking like the self-aware smol brained

Mar 14, 2024 - Alan Watts - Myth of Myself - A layman’s guide to thinking like the self-aware smol brained

Mar 09, 2024 - My favorite quote from Dune:

«Where is Alia?» she asked.

«Out doing what any good Fremen child should be doing in such times,» Paul said. «She’s killing enemy wounded and marking their bodies for the water-recovery teams.»

Feb 25, 2024 - GPT4 illustration for a paragraph from a book I’m reading:

Rock profile

The faraway rock profile was like an ancient battleship of the seas outlined by stars. The long swish of it lifted on an invisible wave with syllables of boomerang antennae, funnels arcing back, a pi-shaped up-thrusting at the stern.

—Muad’Dib by Frank Herbert.

Feb 23, 2024 - GPT4 prompt to use shell:

Act as a Linux terminal. Generate bash commands to accomplish a task. Do not explain, and do not provide instructions. Only generate the shell code to accomplish the task. The task is:

Example task:

Add this public key to authorized SSH keys for user “WubbaLubbaDubDub”: ssh-rsa AAAAB…

Feb 15, 2024 - Встретить дорогого гостя с распростёртыми ногами.

Feb 12, 2024 - More ripped than 90% of software engineers. Better at programming than 90% peeps in the gym. Top 1% at making up uplifting ratings.

Feb 11, 2024 - I thought of Walgreens as a pharmacy. But turns out they sell cigars and booze. Умом Россию не понять.

Feb 08, 2024 - Random list of life challenges to put current setbacks in perspective:

  • Getting COVID as a single parent without any family support.

  • Losing the only source of income while being a head of household and paying mortgage.

  • Bereave a parent while being overseas.

  • Fighting opiate additiction caused by pain medication.

Feb 01, 2024 - Added My favourite aliases for Git (and vi)

Jan 27, 2024 - Sharpest pencil in box tears the paper.

Jan 24, 2024 - My favourite aliases for Git (and vi)

Jan 23, 2024 - One thing that seems to be a upside of Golang as compared to Python, is that it’s harder to do the wrong thing. Which is true due to typing, obviously. But also for the toolset. With Python, you gotta be disciplined to keep your third-party requirements in order. It’s not much work, but you also can get away without doing it. And if there’s no one to catch you in action, this might bite years later. You hire smart people, who know their stuff, but don’t know Python (and are not really into learning the advanced topics of Python, because they are hired for the stuff they know well). And they do whatever is easier to get things done. And it’s not always the right thing to do.

The path of least resistance in Python is:

  • no type annotations

  • no linter

  • no autoformatter

  • no requirement files (and no version pinning)

  • no packaging

  • no meaningful module and class breakdown

  • no sensible docstrings or docs website.

I’m not saying this is how all the projects go. But this is what you might get if you don’t put any experienced folks on the project.

Whereas with Golang, you have to get the most of the things right, or it won’t work at all. :mic-drop:

Jan 15, 2024 - Listening to Дельфин — ПРОЩАЙ ОРУЖИЕ. From song to song, he touches on the same set of topics. These are the same topics he touched on in his previous album. And the album before that. It’s as if a person has, say, 3-4 major themes in life. And whenever he gets inspiration, it’s gonna be something along those lines. This made me think about the major themes for me and the people I know. So far, the morning slumber theory checks out.

Lil’ help from GPT4:

Psychology and Personal Development: In psychology, especially in the field of personality and identity studies, there’s an understanding that people often have core beliefs, values, and experiences that shape their identity and worldview. This is sometimes explored in the context of life stories or narrative identity, where people construct their identities based on key life events and themes.

Literary Studies: In literature, this concept is often discussed in terms of an author’s thematic preoccupations or motifs. Some authors and artists are known for returning to the same themes, questions, or motifs throughout their work, which can be a reflection of their personal obsessions, experiences, or worldview.

Keywords: core beliefs, core values, cornerstone, identity, worldview, key life events, themes, thematic preoccupation, motifs.

Jan 11, 2024 - This Herbert guy, I’ve got questions. Is he happy? Does he feel fulfilled and content? Is he doing it out of passion, or is there someone else paying him to do it? Does he feel like a robot? Did he choose this life? Is it a stepping stone to achieve something different?

Jan 11, 2024 - Distinction without differentiation, efficiency without effectiveness.

Jan 06, 2024 - Set up the Apple Weather app to ping you whenever it rains in Seattle, and never pick up your phone to an empty notification screen.

Jan 06, 2024 - Picture a person in a spacious room. His name is Herbert. He’s a scientist, and he studies and works all day long without any need to go out, make food, do laundry, or anything. He has no distractions; he’s fully focused on his work. No Netflix, no games, no TV at all. Yet, he has access to all the information he needs for work. No people, except for brief visits of housekeeping. A perfectly balanced diet, regular sleep schedule, no viruses, no disturbances.

Jan 05, 2024 - Another example of the situation I can’t quite put my finger on. When you assemble an IKEA cabinet with two kinds of bolts, a long one and a slightly shorter one. And it’s really hard to tell which one you have in hand unless you put them next to each other. So, when you start assembling the cabinet, you put a shorter bolt in place and keep assembling until, at the last step, you are left with the longer bolt, and you realize that you actually need a shorter bolt which you used at the first step. Now, you have to disassemble the cabinet to switch the bolts. It’s a simple mistake that is not obvious at the moment but comes up later when it’s harder to fix it.

Jan 04, 2024 - Here is a bureaucratic game idea. Classic arcade game setting with a top-down view and simple cartoonish graphics.

First level. You stand in line, and the line moves slowly (left to right on the screen). Each person in front of you moves a split second after the person in front of them. Your goal is to catch up as quickly as possible.

Second level. There are human hunters standing a few people after you, and they are shooting at you. You must dodge their bullets, and when you dodge, the bullet kills a person in front of you. When the person in front of you dies, you can take their spot, which speeds up your progressions through the line.

Third level. While standing in line, you also need to fill in a form. This form includes some math quizzes. While filling out the form, you keep dodging the bullets, making sure that bullets don’t hit the person who will be accepting your form who stands in front of you.

I should try building it using Rosebud: Invite link, Launch HN post

Dec 22, 2023 - so, I have this idea, that I can’t articulate properly for years. It’s like with Ikea furniture, that seems bland and minimalistic. It doesn’t express any style or beauty, it’s functional and that’s it. Another example is people who focus their self expression in the way they look. Be it some special hair style, choice of clothes, or tattoos. Contrary to people who look bland, maybe simple. But express their selves in their thoughts. It feels like people who spend their time on their looks trade it for having something worthy in their heads. The parallel with the furniture is that you can make your prefab functional furniture truly yours and personal with DIY decoration, and you can spend good times wondering your mind, as opposed to going to hair stylist, or picking a tattoo that matches your personality. I guess, what I’m trying to say is, your self expression is not for showing off someone else’s craft, it’s for you alone and small circle of people who matter to you.

Dec 09, 2023 - okay, let me teach you how to read. You sit in an armchair, put your glasses and beard on. You must sit very still for a long time and look the smartest you can.


(Image prompt: Draw a sketch picturing a middle aged white man reading a book at home. He sits in a comfy armchair next to a standing lamp and wears glasses)

Dec 06, 2023 - ADHD test for adults: pay attention spectating 2-hour Scrum planning meeting in a new team.

Dec 03, 2023 - Added Self-hosted PaaS

Dec 02, 2023 - I’m brewing on these topics:

Sailor is nice, it combines:

  • Git-push-driven deployments

  • Dynamic nginx configuration

  • Letsencrypt auto-provisioning

  • uWSGI Emperor mode as a generic supervisor

My use case is a bit different. I’m looking into adding Tailscale, dropping SSL, and replacing uWSGI with systemd. Also, I might look into replacing nginx with Caddy. I also want a cleaner Python virtualenv management.

What encourages me most is that Sailor is a single Python file of 2k lines.

Oct 31, 2023 - Added Tell me a story about how you coached a team member

Oct 26, 2023 - How to set up a receiving email server on a Linux machine

Oct 25, 2023 - Added Reaction to interview rejection emails, Scaling technical consistency

Oct 25, 2023 - Notes for Scaling technical consistency

Oct 23, 2023 - Notes for Four Key Metrics for a Software Development Team

Oct 17, 2023 - “Mice equal, like a general sequel.” - Youtube autogenerated subtitles.

Oct 16, 2023 - Added article on Mutable types in Pydantic default values

Oct 12, 2023 - Notes for Being Accountable When You Don’t Have Control

Oct 04, 2023 - Turns out you can’t use regular RJ45 connectors with flat ethernet cables because the wire diameter is much smaller. And it’s really hard to find the connectors for flat cables due to low supply. It’s like half the size of the regular round cable wire. I had to learn it the hard way. Lesson learned: when buying ethernet cable pay attention to the wire gauge. AWG 24 is okay, but AWG 32 is too small.

Oct 01, 2023 - Observation: if you organize kid’s birthday party in Minecraft theme, you’re about to get a whole lot of Minecraft-themed legos.

Sep 27, 2023 - Session Authentication and Single-Page Applications

Sep 24, 2023 - Notes for A Senior Engineer’s Guide to the System Design Interview (Part 4)

Sep 23, 2023 - Notes for A Senior Engineer’s Guide to the System Design Interview part 2 and part 3

Sep 20, 2023 - Notes for A Senior Engineer’s Guide to the System Design Interview (Part 1)

Sep 18, 2023 - Added article Using GPIO on an industrial mini PC

Sep 07, 2023 - Libraries to review: Fastapi, pydantic

Aug 30, 2023 - Notes for Why we always end up with waterfall, Robots vs. Programmers

Aug 29, 2023 - Notes for Gitlab values on iteration, Gitlab’s Directly Responsible Individuals

Aug 29, 2023 - Questions for a hiring manager

Aug 19, 2023 - Notes for Why you should check your secrets into Git, How to get started with async

Aug 18, 2023 - Notes for What is a directly responsible individual?

Aug 17, 2023 - Notes for Cognitive load is what matters

Aug 16, 2023 - Notes for GitHub Accelerator

Aug 15, 2023 - Notes for Objective-Driven AI

Aug 14, 2023 - Notes for How a startup loses its spark, How Netflix Reinvented HR

Aug 13, 2023 - Notes for Team Topologies

Aug 11, 2023 - Notes for How to use spikes as a foundation for ADRs

Aug 10, 2023 - Notes for Scaling the Practice of Architecture, Conversationally

Aug 10, 2023 - relative, related, relevant.

Aug 9, 2023 - Notes for Decentralizing the Practice of Architecture at Xapo Bank

Jul 19, 2023 - the more I work on the project docs, the more I wonder:

  1. Why none of my previous jobs had this level of documentation?

  2. Does the work I’m doing add value to the project, or am I caught in a perfectionist loop, polishing somethings that shouldn’t even exist?

More reading material:

Jul 13, 2023 - finally, an opinion on downsides of multi repo:

They pay for it by having to invest a lot into release management, version synchronization across multiple teams, much more integration testing, worse understanding of the product by individual developers / teams, and, in general, lower quality of the product. But, off-the-shelf VCSs don’t allow for sharing large repositories easily, and, of course, the problem this merge queue is trying to address would grow more severe with the size.

Jul 9, 2023 - I converted my Sphinx source files to conform to Johnny Decimal, and implemented the idea to remove friction for adding new articles. I published this as gdocsync. The project is a bit raw, but I’m already dog-fooding it here.

Jun 28, 2023 - Nice collection of articles from AWS: The Amazon Builders’ Library

Jun 26, 2023 - “capturing the fast-growing demand” is all it is about these days.

Jun 22, 2023 - interesting quote from “A Philosophy of Software Design” book by John Ousterhout:

Although I am a strong advocate of unit testing, I am not a fan of test-driven development. The problem with test-driven development is that it focuses attention on getting specific features working, rather than finding the best design. This is tactical programming pure and simple, with all of its disadvantages. Test-driven development is too incremental: at any point in time, it’s tempting to just hack in the next feature to make the next test pass. There’s no obvious time to do design, so it’s easy to end up with a mess.

Jun 21, 2023 - I’m gonna call it “Public employee handbook, built as a static website, using Johnny Decimal system.”

Jun 20, 2023 - I’m brewing these 3 ideas together:

  1. Johnny•Decimal system to organise projects.

  2. Internal ENG documentation, like PostHog and GitLab.

  3. Async communications in distributed teams, promoted by Zulip.

Jun 20, 2023 - Why remote works

Jun 17, 2023 - whenever you say something stupid Santa Claus kills one gnome. Which is also stupid to say. So it makes it two gnomes each time.

Jun 15, 2023 - Quick non-senstive abbreviation to mark especially sensitive critical code sections: TTCLYMOIWTYMLYTTC - Treat This Code Like Your Mamma Or I Will Treat Your Mamma Like You Treated This Code

May 25, 2023 - Quotes from Ask HN: How do you not take criticism of your work personally?:

A high criticism tolerance is learned by understanding that ones self worth is not attached to output or delivery. (This is hard in our industry) It comes from self-acceptance and compassion. And these values are learned early on. You’ll find that the people that break down at the slightest criticism the most are those that were criticised the most as children as well. Those that had no room for being anything other than perfect. Where value was obtained from performance. To take it even further…why see it as criticism at all? You are not your lines of code.

As much as i like the concept in general in life, in this case its just “you are not your lines of code”. Also people who criticize people make a mistake kind of. Always criticize the code, not the person

(Sometimes anger is healthy, it may also be a signal to us that our boundaries have been violated.) Exactly. And if that boundaries get violated repeatedly in the same situation (especially by the same people), it is fine to release that anger in a controlled way. I’ve come to the conclusion that some folks haven’t left the state where they sometimes need a (vocal) pat on their hand to realize they crossed boundaries they shouldn’t cross. If you can play that game, congrats. Also, do not swallow your anger. Find a non-destructive, non-harmful way to release it. As anger is a physical reaction, the easiest way is to go for a walk, ride your bike or whatever. Whatever floats your boat should be fine.

May 20, 2023 · Such a great article! DevEx: What Actually Drives Productivity DevEx KPI

May 5, 2023 · Looks like I lived under the Python rock for some while. Here’s my reading list for the weekend:

March 1, 2023 · The biggest mistake an engineering manager can make in weekly 1:1 is to talk more than to listen. Engineer without their voice is unhappy engineer and a sure fire attrition.

March 20, 2023 · I have this magical shell script running, that configures split tunnel for a single user. I wrote it few years ago. But I can’t read it now.

iptables -t mangle -I OUTPUT -m owner --uid-owner deluge -j MARK --set-mark 42
iptables -t mangle -I OUTPUT -d -m owner --uid-owner deluge -j RETURN
iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -o tun0 -j MASQUERADE
ip rule add fwmark 42 table 42

for f in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/*/rp_filter; do
    echo 0 > $f

# ip route add default via $(ifconfig -a tun0 | grep -o 'P-t-P:[^ ]*' | cut -d : -f 2) table 42
ip route add default via $(ifconfig -a tun0 | grep -o 'destination [^ ]*' | awk '{print $2}') table 42

February 1, 2023 · Davit and I have been working on for about a week in total. So far we got a landing page to collect emails of the people who will early access to the service once we launch it. Building it is fun. I learned 11ty and tailwind, refreshed my CSS. The whole thing is deployed to Netlify and uses Netlify Forms and Functions to save the submitted emails. So far we are well into the free tier. Many parts of the site are generated by, or with help, of ChatGPT and other AI services. Their output is grammatically correct, but dull and soulless, which doesn’t work well with marketing we’re looking for. We gonna have a professional designer work on the page, and give us mock ups, that I should be able to quickly enact through the 11ty+tailwind boilerplate I built.

I started reading “Start small, stay small: a developer’s guide to launching a startup” by Rob Walling. The book is exciting and straight to the point. I already can see how much our effort is misplaced.

We need to work on our goals, and really figure out the marketing effort, and how we can validate the idea.

January 7, 2023 · My favourite Chipotle order: salad bowl, no rice, pinto beans, chicken, grilled veggies, tomatoes, sour cream, shredded cheese, guac, and lettuce on top. It has nice balanced taste, healthy combination of ingredients, and sane number of calories. Chipotle offers some junk food options, but it’s possible to pick just the good stuff. These days, it’s my first choice in the shopping mall food courts.

November 17, 2022 · Lessons learned from climbing

You look at your arms but all the lifting is done by your legs. When you begin, it feels that the arms strength is the bottleneck, but the progress comes from learning to keep arms relaxed and controlling your balance to let the legs do the work.

The obvious way to progress seems to be from building up strength. But losing weight can actually boost your performance in shorter time.

Sometimes when you plateau, the best thing is to take a break. Muscles grow when they rest, and when you come back you suddenly have more endurance and can do harder routes.

One of the super powers of experienced climbers is to be very aware of getting tired, so they can find a good spot to rest on the wall.

October 17, 2022 · Hey, network! We’ve opened new positions to scale our product nationwide! We need:

  • Scum master.

  • Software development psychol.

  • Amel ginger with sloth filling experience.

Extra points for having experience with:

  • Scrumbut implementation.

  • Technical debt reprioritization.

  • Ass-covering paper trail.

Reach out to learn more, or if you know someone who fits the role!

Running log#

0704  -  2  6  7  -  -  -     15
0711  4  -  -  4  6  4  6     14
0718  -  -  6  -  -  -  -      6
0725  -  -  -  -  -  -  -      0

0801 10  4  6  -  -  - 10     30
0808  4  - 10  -  8  -  -     22
0815  -  4  -  6  6  -  -     16
0822  8  -  -  6  -  -  -     14
0829 12  -  6  -  -  6  -     24

0905  6  -  -  -  -  -  -      6?
0912 12  6  -  -  -  -  -     18
0919  -  -  -  -  -  -  -      0
0926  -  4  6  6  -  -  -     16

1003  6  -  4  4

October 6, 2022 · What’s the name for it?

  • You are going to get a lunch at home;

  • But you need a clean plate;

  • All plates are dirty and stacked in a kitchen sink;

  • You’re out of dish washing liquid, and have to use dishwasher;

  • Dishwasher is already full with dirty cups;

  • You’re out of dishwasher tablets, and need to buy them;

  • Closest store is closed, and you need to drive to the next one;

  • Car has a flat tire, that has to be fixed first, and you need to get to tire shop;

  • Car is out of gas, and you need to get the gas by foot.

This example is long and unrealistic, but I see this happening all the time. Solution for a small problem is blocked by something else, that requires significantly bigger effort. Is it akin to technical debt? Just not exactly technical.

October 3, 2022 · Scratched my self-hosting itch with two new additions to my home server: Nextcloud and Storj.

  • Nextcloud is a bit weird Snap installation with PHP, MariaDB, and Redis. I don’t feel comfortable exposing self-managing PHP applications (read Wordpress-level security), so I’ve put it behind my 2FA cloud proxy. And of course it doesn’t work well with the Nexcloud mobile client. Aside from security, performance on my old home server is not that great. Image previews are generated on-demand, so it takes awhile to see my 300 GB photo gallery. Apple live photos seem to have no support too. All in all, I don’t think it can replace Google Photos, as I hoped.

  • Storj is an implementation that I had another day. Pretty good one. Set up could have been better streamlined, so it took few hours to hook up a Raspberry Pi 4 with 2 TB external HDD storage. As a side effect I know have an Etherium wallet, that should be used for pay outs. We’ll see. Overall, I like their implementation a lot. From ideation to performance and security aspects. I wish I could make it bare-metal, but I caved too early and went with the recommended Docker installation.

Climbing log#

  • August

    • 9: 10a, 10c, 10c, 11a, 11a

    • 11: 10c, 10d, 11a, 10c, 11b, 10b

    • 16: 10b, 10d, 11a, 11a, 11a

    • 18: 10c, 10d, 11a, 11b, 11b

August 26, 2022 · Everything looks big when your room is too small. Visit other houses and get outside to put things back in perspective.

July 11, 2022 · Ran 4K in the morning in 22 minutes. Felt like slow-pace, but the time is the same…

July 9, 2022 · Ran 6K in the evening in 33 minutes. Felt like fast pace.

July 8, 2022 · Ran 2K in the morning. Felt like faster pace, but took actually 12 minutes.

July 7, 2022 · Ran 5K in the morning.

July 6, 2022 · Ran 2K in the morning. Again, pain in the middle of chest. Ran another 4K in the evening, without pain.

July 5, 2022 · Ran 2K in the evening. Pain in the middle of chest stopped from going on the second lap.

July 4, 2022 · Completely recovered from Covid, tested negatively.

June 30, 2022 · Almost recovered, still sleeping more, and some kidney pain.

June 29, 2022 · Feeling better, except for kidney pain.

June 28, 2022 · Slept around 20 hours, kidney pain got worse.

June 27, 2022 · Slept almost whole day, kidney pain got worse.

June 26, 2022 · Slept almost whole day, started to feel pain around kidneys. Tested positive on homekit.

June 25, 2022 · Started to experience cold symptoms: dizziness, body weakness, headache, cough, and running nose.

June 19-24, 2022 · Took a work trip to California. Caught Covid-19 somewhere around June 22.

June 15, 2022 · Topped my personal record. 6K in 35 minutes.

June 14, 2022 · Fell from a 5.11a track on my thumb toe and bent the nail. Did another 3 tracks afterwards, though.

June 8, 2022 · I enjoyed KK’s article on Truth vs Trust. It talks about a utopian news outlets that track down origins of every statement. Not a fact check (that journalists are “doing” now), just a chain of who quoted who. The article’s start point is that we can’t infer truth from a statement itself. But we can track who said what and an origin of every statement.

The problem is though, that for polarizing topics (where truth can’t be established, and we need to rely on trust) all modern news outlets would cover facts that are convenient for them, and omit everything else.

Which means, that trustworthiness of a source is not a scalar, but more of a 3D matrix, that has topics, time, and past dishonesty as axes.

A Tech Lead is a software engineer responsible for leading a team and alignment of the technical direction. Tech Lead has a focus on the technical aspects, or the “How.”

Tech Lead blends:

  • leadership skills

  • architecture skills

  • development skills

Leadership skills include:

  • coaching

  • influencing

  • delegation

They steer their team towards a common technical vision. They are accountable for the quality of the technical deliverables for the team.


June 7, 2022 · I picked up running a week ago. Today’s personal best is 4 km in 23 minutes.

Fun fact: here’s what happens when you burn a molecule of triglyceride, the predominant fat in a human body:

C55H104O6 + 78O2 --> 55CO2 + 52H2O + energy

Oxidizing 10 kilos of human fat requires inhaling 29 kilos of oxygen to produce 28 kilos of carbon dioxide and 11 kilos of water. It means that you lose roughly the same amount of fat as you sweat.

May 30, 2022 · TIL that The Onion posts an article with the same title: “‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens” after every mass shouting. And ironically it does nothing to prevent this.

May 29, 2022 · we went to Rocky Gap State Park’s campground for the Memorial Day. Met few nice folks, hiked a few miles, rented a canoe for a family ride on a lake, went star watching, had a lot of meat with beer. Whether was great except for a short rain on the first day when we had to setup the camp. We built a short zip line from 3 truck straps, which was more fun during building than riding.

I’m still a bit confused by US style camps, which have too much convenience to my taste, that doesn’t let enjoy the nature to its fullest.

May 25, 2022 · Individual [car] companies, to me? It’s a distinction without a difference.

No Sudden Move

May 24, 2022 · When director of engineering rolls up the sleeves and refactors complicated piece of code, be double-vigilant in PR review.

Software engineering skills wear out pretty quickly if not practiced daily. No matter how good the person is in non-individual-contributor capacity, it doesn’t make them good with source code.

May 23, 2022 · I want to experiment with hosting .deb (.rpm?) packages on GitHub pages.

So far, I found these two tutorials:



Would be nice to automate the index update and GPG signing through GitHub Actions.

Packages, that I’m most interested in hosting:

  • Kibitzr

  • Arr family: Radarr, Sonarr, Lidarr.

May 22, 2022 · Both individuals and the larger society have agreed to a set of interlocking delicate systems that are simultaneously highly effective and spectacularly vulnerable to disruption.

Johnny Sanphillippo

May 20, 2022 · Jotted a quick note On delegation.

May 17, 2022 · Notes on stress management.

Stress management is management of body and mind. Stress is an integral part of human biology. Without stress hormones we would simple die.

  1. Survival kit: sleep, eat, exercise.

  2. Sleep: 7-9 hours a day. Consistent schedule for work days and weekend. Reduce screen time before sleep. Keep phone outside of bedroom.

  3. Food: three colors of vegetables and fruits. 3 meals a day. Standard servings - no overeating.

  4. Exercise: stretch every now and then. Brisk walks for 30 minutes.

  5. Don’t need to start doing everything at once. Build good habits one step at a time. Lifestyle change feels like a hard work.

  6. Avoid quick fixes: pills, drinks, energy bars, phone apps, gadgets, books, movies. Those only increase the number of things to keep track of. And the relief is only temporary.

  7. Write down the goals, not just say it.

  8. Note what causes stress, make a list of situations.

  9. Practice simple meditation several times a day. Focus on breath and do a body scan.

  10. Relax muscles while sitting, one group at a time. Neck, shoulders, arms, back, legs and feet.

  11. Hang out with friends to feel social connection.


May 12, 2022 · The first XKCD comic mentioned in Software Engineering at Google:


May 10, 2022 · I just tried to explain gender transformation to my kids in popular Soviet song:

Я был когда-то странной игрушкой безымянной.

Protagonist is a male (animal), but he was a toy in the past. But toy’s gender is feminine. Which makes a weird mix of two genders in one sentence separated by the time.

The opposite example blew their minds:

Я была когда-то странным утюгом безымянным.

May 7, 2022 · Weird and disturbing fantasy from The Simpsons S33.E19 “Girls Just Shauna Have Fun”


May 6, 2022 · Here are some of my favorite quotes from songs. I catch myself reciting this one during tough debug sessions:

Goddamn machinery
Why don't you speak to me?
    -- "The Axe" by Thom Yorke

And this I love for the structure of the sentence:

When I am king
You will be first against the wall
With your opinion
Which is of no consequence at all
    -- "Paranoid Android" by Radiohead

This one is for “broken pipe” and “Socket closed”:

Communication breakdown, it's always the same
Havin' a nervous breakdown, a-drive me insane
    -- "Communication Breakdown" by Led Zeppelin

May 5, 2022 · Surprisingly, zero intersection on most used self-hosted apps with this guy.

May 3, 2022 · I need to do something meaningful with my life or I’ll be wasting it.

May 2, 2022 · TIL that US schools close in observance of the Islamic holiday Eid al-Fitr, a festive celebration marking the end of Ramadan, a month of fasting observed by Muslims worldwide. But they call it Quarterly grading/planning. Maybe to not stir the masses.