Solarized Dark Theme for Firefox Reader View#

Firefox Reader View has a limited, non-extendable set of themes, which doesn’t include Solarized Dark. Which is unfortunate because I put Solarized Dark on everything I can.

But if you want to spend 3 minutes, you can set the right palette in the Custom Theme tab.


  1. For each of the four colors in the palette, click on the ✏️ button to open the color picker pop-up.

  2. Switch to the “Color Sliders” tab.

  3. In the sliders dropdown, choose “RGB Sliders.”

  4. For the “Background,” enter “Hex Color #” 002b36.

  5. For the “Text,” “Visited Links,” and “Unvisited Links,” put 839496.

  6. Leave “Highlighter for read aloud” at its default value.

And Bob’s your uncle.