Sentence mixing puzzle game#


Stand-alone version

Level 1

Select all words that do not belong to the passage.

You completed all levels! Congratulations!


Act as a Javascript software engineer. Write HTML and Javascript for a puzzle game. Don’t use any Javascript frameworks. Here’s a brief game description:

# Sentence mixing puzzle game

We take a long sentence or passage of 2-3 sentences. We mix in a short sentence between the words. The player must separate them back. Example:

> The software is all provided “as is”, without you warranty of any kind,

> need express or implied, is including but not limited to the warranties

> of merchantability, fitness for a particular love purpose and noninfringement.

The mix of MIT software license and “All you need is love” by Beatles.

## Gameplay

The page presents a mixed passage in large font so that each word can be conveniently tapped by a finger on a phone screen. Initially, all words are black. When user taps on a word it becomes red. The game stops when the user selects all the words of the second (shorter) sentence. None of the words that do not belong to the second sentence should be selected. When the game stops, the selected words blink three times and become green.